Legendary Membership for Conscious Coaches & Consultants - LX

A World 1st, Business Adventure... A Lifetime of Returns
Exclusivey for Conscious CEO's, Coaches & Consultants

Legendary Success Journey

Never-To-Be-Repeated Launch Offer Ends 30 September 2024

The World’s 1st Legendary Membership for Conscious Coaches & Consultants

Legendary Success Journey

How To Go From Hostage To Hero And Rise To The Top 1%
In Your Field Without Selling Your Soul!

I Felt Engulfed In A Fiery Cage.

My mind racing for answers to the plaguing question,
“How did I miss the signs and walk straight into my own captivity?”

This Was My Story…

The agonising feeling of the betrayal clawed at my gut.
Fear gripped me as the raw possibility of a bleak future sunk in.

It felt like the light of my ‘happy life’ had just been extinguished.

As the dark ‘mind cage’ tightened its grip, sadness and anger rose within.

I felt so betrayed by my family and friends who made excuses for him.

Even the priest who was sent to remind me of the vow I’d made before God, ignored my pain, saying in time I’d forgive and forget.

I screamed into the darkness for help. I felt so alone.

I Knew What I Wanted But Couldn’t See A Clear Path There!

This ‘up the creek without a paddle’ feeling may be familiar to you too.

I flew into Lake Geneva on a business trip with a heavy heart knowing I had to make one of the toughest decisions of my life.

I desperately needed guidance.

I’d faced down some tough challenges early in my life, so I knew I’d find the way.

At 13, I promised myself I’d find a way to escape my family’s history of financial struggle.

This seeded my passion for finding the path to success… and I did, which is how I ended up jet setting around the world.

There I was “living the dream” with a broken heart.
My success had come at a huge cost!

Sitting on the bed I suddenly saw it! In the open case next to me was a book I didn’t even remember packing.

I just knew this was the flame that would light the way out of this suffocating thought space!

Against all the advice that in time I would get over the affair and well-meaning objections from others I filed for a divorce.

That bold decision to end an 18-year relationship, unleashed the free-spirited, warrior woman, and go-getter entrepreneur trapped within me.

The real me had been waiting for me to ‘Just Decide’ and truly honour me by going after what I wanted not what others wanted for me.

I Realised There Was More To Success Than The Lies We’ve Been Told!

My search for LOST SECRETS became an obsession and so began the most fulfilling journey spanning two decades now.

‘Just Decide’ my trusted mantra kicked in. One of many powerful secrets I’ve uncovered to buck the system rigged to trap us in mediocrity, imprisoning even the most conscious of us at times.

17 Years Ago Gary & I Fused Our Mission And Passion To Find The Secrets To Building An Xtraordinary Business While Loving Your Life, And Living Your Legacy!

When my path converged with Gary, my treasured life and business partner, I soon discovered the power in Rumi’s words, “What you seek, is seeking you!”

And so began an even more exciting adventure of discovery and growth, fuelled by INTRIGUING QUESTIONS posed to me in a vivid dream after a powerful meditation.

Is Business & Life A Long, Never-Ending Series Of Bitter Struggles With Just Momentary Relief?

Our search for answers, for truth, led to startling discoveries grounded in age old wisdom.

These answers didn’t come easy. We faced many painful challenges along the way, but always triumphed as new secrets were uncovered.

We not only rose from these challenges, but it also fuelled our soul quest to free conscious entrepreneurs from the many forces that continuously attempt to douse their fire.

As a conscious coach or consultant, maybe you’ve felt the grip of ‘invisible forces’ over you, plunging you into challenging circumstances and holding your daring dream hostage?

And perhaps you’ve asked similar questions, with no one to turn to for guidance?

Your Daring Dream NOT Being Realised IS NO LONGER YOUR STORY!

There IS a path to your most exciting life adventure and wildest business success!

Which is why we’ve created this membership… A world-first, legendary experience for conscious coaches & consultants like you!

Where the way to achieving heroic feats is lit up, on a lovingly crafted ‘journey to legendary success,’ which in turn builds your legacy.

In a world that has largely become impersonal and isolated, being part of a conscious community of purpose driven coaches & consultants who have each other’s backs is priceless.

And WHAT we’ll be sharing with you makes it a truly extraordinary experience.

Get A Massive Edge With


When you join the Legendary Success Journey you get access to profound wisdom every month, enabling you to move the needle more & more right throughout the year.

You’ll discover treasured insights we found on unchartered paths we navigated in search of truth over the last two decades, insights that will open the gateways to your wildest success.

Many Of Our Clients Invested Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars For Access To These Invaluable Insights, Achieving Incredible Results:

Mikayla Benkenstein
CEO, Hodari Africa

“In 2023, I ticked off every single goal on my list”

Legendary Membership for Conscious Coaches & Consultants - hodari africa

Dave Moon
Vice President, MetsoAfrica, Asia, Turkey

“Each one of my leaders grew exponentially, it was quite a dramatic change. Gary has a unique technique. He does not rest until he physically achieves your results.”

Legendary Membership for Conscious Coaches & Consultants - Metso Logo

Tony Pace
Founder CEO, Pace Seychelles

“Within 3 months we were no longer drawing against shareholder loans and within 3 years we had 70% market share in our territory”

Legendary Membership for Conscious Coaches & Consultants - PaceGlobal Logo

Every Progressive Insight Empowers You

To Rise To The Top 1% Of Conscious Entrepreneurs
In Your Field Worldwide.

Our guess is you don’t only want to be a success… You want to be:

Legendary Membership for Conscious Coaches & Consultants - White symbol

The best-of-the-best in your field

Legendary Membership for Conscious Coaches & Consultants - Orange symbol

Earning abundant income

Legendary Membership for Conscious Coaches & Consultants - Purple symbol

Doing deeply meaningful work

Legendary Membership for Conscious Coaches & Consultants - Unity symbol

Making a real difference

Every insight is so transformative, you’ll get an instant
edge to carve out a path to Legendary Success…
Success on all levels, not at all costs.

Yes! Success Without Selling Your Soul IS Possible!

Through The Lost Secrets Of Legendary Success…

Discover How To Achieve Your Most Daring Dreams And
Find Bliss In All Areas Of Your Life!

We’ve proven, “you CAN have your cake and eat it too.”
We’d love for you to do the same!

Ditch the Struggle Track For A Success Track

I was born on the ‘tough side of the tracks’ (pic of my childhood house on left). Yet already in my teenage years I learnt there’s always a way!

Later on my mantra ‘Just Decide’ together with the lost secrets of legendary success equipped me with the wisdom and confidence to cross the tracks, and ultimately achieve my teenage dream of living on the tropical paradise island of Mauritius.

Why settle for ordinary when extraordinary is within reach?
Get 'Top 1% Lost Secrets' to accelerate the achievement of your wildest success.

Achieve Success On All Levels, Not At All Costs

As business partners, it’s so easy for Gary & I to fall into the trap of prioritising business over our ‘love boat.’ This is why it’s a non-negotiable for us to spend quality time together at home and abroad. In December 23 we indulged in a couple’s retreat in Bali, where we could nurture our ‘twin flame’ over 5 days, feast on exquisite nature surrounds in the day and enjoy the jungle sounds from our bamboo treehouse at night.

Don’t sacrifice what matters most to you. Discover powerful X Tools to achieve success on all levels, and many more magic moments with those you love!

Your Wildest Success Destination Awaits You

One of my ‘big’ dreams in my early 20’s was to travel the world in style and enjoy adventures, an escape from everyday life. I met this goal in my late 20’s and then my goal changed to treating my loved ones to one-of-a kind experiences…which Gary & I have been able to do for over a decade. For my 50th we treated 13 very special people to an exclusive escape into the Wild, the highlight was staying at Shalati, a train on a bridge suspended over the Sabie River and surrounded by big 5 game.

'Legend X It' thinking is your ticket to unlocking your most daring dreams faster and bigger than you ever imagined - are you ready to 'Legend X It'?

Unleash The Living Legend In You

For the last two decades we’ve had the privilege of working with the most incredible leaders, entrepreneurs and living legends. Our greatest joy is celebrating our clients’ successes, wins, growth and transformations whether it be a graduation ceremony after completing one of our programs or being a witness to them winning significant industry awards or celebrating warrior women who’ve stepped into their power to achieve. Small or big, every forward step is big to us, because your success is our success.

Do you 'Dare to be Legendary' and join a circle of 'Legendeers' who have your back?
An exclusive family where every success is celebrated, every milestone is a victory, and every step forward brings you closer to the extraordinary.

A Beginners Mind Sets You Up For Constant Wins

One of the secrets to our own success is having a ‘beginners mind’, being avid students of life with an insatiable desire to continuously learn and hone skillsets to achieve mastery. To be fully present for our clients and to add massive value means we need to break through our own barriers and constantly push the envelope. This is why we draw on the wisdom and guidance of many of our own mentors, coaches, advisors, healers, spiritual gurus and shaman. In the below, top left picture, Gary & I took a lesson in the art of lontar writing in Bali, bottom left picture I’m with public speaking expert Andy Harrington at Speakers University and picture on right I’m with mentor Roger Hamilton at Wealth Dynamics Masters.

Join the 'Legendary Success Journey' today... And get access to decades of legendary wisdom condensed into monthly sessions packed with Top 1% insights, powerful Xercises and radical solutions to fuel your biggest wins & extraordinary success.

Be The HERO For Those You Love

My beautiful gran was my HERO… the tough challenges she experienced often led to her feeling like a ‘hostage’ of her circumstances yet no matter how heavy her plight, she was always cheerful, always grateful, always looking to learn and find the good in everything. I called her the Goddess of Gratitude. She taught me the power of gratitude, which is why I dedicate focused time being in gratitude every morning. And I’m deeply grateful that in her time of need, the last year of her life when she was bed ridden, my home in South Africa could be her sanctuary. The greatest gifts we can give our loved ones is not only helping them live their best lives but to also give them safe passage to cross over from this life in peace and joy when it is their time to depart.

We help you unleash the legend within so you can be the HERO your loved ones need. With the 'Lost Secrets of Legendary Success' guiding you... you can achieve greatness without compromising your soul.

The world is in a phase where it is in desperate need of many more conscious coaches/consultants like you performing at your peak and making a profound difference, all while living your bliss.

It's time...

To blow the lid off the lies you’ve been told about
what it takes to achieve your most daring dreams!

Which is why we’ve created a world-first ‘Legendary Success Journey’ to empower conscious coaches & consultants like you to release any shackles holding you back, so you can be free to soar to legendary success.

As a united tribe empowered with the ‘Lost Secrets of Legendary Success,’ we have the unique and rare opportunity to live our legacy while shaping a future we’re proud of!

Are you READY to go from HOSTAGE to HERO and
Unleash the LIVING LEGEND in you?

If you’ve invested time reading this far, I know two important things about you:


You have a hunger to achieve extraordinary success, and


You’re a conscious coach or consultant ready to discover the Lost Secrets of Legendary Success because of your commitment to not only being the best-of-the-best but having meaningful impact…that creates a living legacy!

Secure Your Seat! Doors For The 2024 Intake Close 30 Sep 24!

Sign Up Today And Discover How To
To Achieve The ‘Impossible' & Make 2024 & 2025 Your Best Years to Date!’

When you Sign Up Today You Get Our Never-To-Be-Repeated Launch Offer outlined Below PLUS ++ A Fast Mover VIP Bonus Designed to Give You An Immediate Edge To Accelerate Your Journey To Legendary Success


Evolved Business Master Program & Exclusive Legendary Circle

Legendary Success Journey

Legendary Membership for Conscious Coaches & Consultants - LX

Accelerate Your Legendary Success on this World 1st, Business Adventure & a Lifetime of Returns.

Get A Top 1% Edge with Access to THE
Lost Secrets of Legendary Success & Powerful X Tools.

Unlock The 6 Gateways to
Building a Legendary Business, Loving Your Life & Living Your Legacy!

Conscious Coaches & Consultants...

Stop Relentless Struggle In Its Tracks. Embark On The Most Exciting Quest To Legendary Success!

Get An Edge To Achieve the 'Impossible' in Accelerated Time Like Other Clients have Experienced


Learn proven, unconventional insights to help you achieve material results every year.

"Doubled revenue growth in highly competitive market in 1 year - J.Holden Innovations"


Get a Top 1% edge worldwide in your field.

Case Study - Worst of 50 branches to global benchmark in less than 2 years - SAB Pietermaritzberg


Be empowered to achieve success on all levels NOT at all costs.

"Massive personal & business setback to global player in Blockchain space & loving life" Ian Putter


Tap into 'Legend X It' thinking to elevate your income & profits.

Case study - Profit leaks identified in 2 hours saving $30 million - Acacia


Discover smart strategies to accelerate achievement of your goals.

Case study - Achieved annual sales target in 3 months - Audatex


Be empowered to turn your most daring dream into a legendary success story.

"Startup to 70% market share and living the dream" Tony Pace, Pace Footprint

Your Legendary Success Journey Launch Offer
Valued at £50,581 Over A Year Includes…

Evolved Business Master Program Includes...

Lost Secrets of Legendary Success...
LIVE Top 1% Insights - Value £997 per month

2 Hour LIVE Mentoring Session & Recording

A treasure trove of transformational revelations and profound, proven insights curated over the last two decades called, the Lost Secrets of Legendary Success. This is an advanced architecture of thinking, delivered as a journey of discovery, and distilled into 6 gateways, each with unique locks and keys designed to propel you into the Top 1% in your Field. But it’s more than just climbing to the top, it’s about achieving success on every level, both personal and professional and loving life every step of the way.

Accelerator Xercises & X Tools - Value £497 per month

Available Online In Member Area

Potent, practical exercises and tools accompanying your monthly chapters to turn wisdom into action and empower you to achieve extraordinary results in accelerated time.

Powerful New Content Every Month 

We’ll inform you about your new content via email, which will be available to you 24/7 in your membership area for as long as you are an active member. We’ll also keep you informed about upcoming events and free bonuses as part of your exclusive launch offer.

Remember, this isn’t a shortcut to success – it’s a commitment to enduring transformation. Our pledge is to equip you with the tools and knowledge to achieve lasting greatness – Legendary Success.

If you choose to wholeheartedly embrace the journey, you’ll witness magic unfold as you harness the wisdom of sages through the ages, complemented by our proven business strategies.

With more Lost Secrets & Accelerator Xercises & X Tools added to your armour every month, you’re set for tangible wins every single month, bringing you closer to achieving your most daring dream! 


Legandary Circle Access Includes...

LIVE Game Changer Session - Value £997 per month

2 Hour LIVE Implementation & Interactive Q&A Session & Recording

Results driven, interactive, live mentoring session with Gary & Carmen. Expand on monthly insights & explore practical application to unearth solutions and achieve breakthroughs that move the needle in business and life every month.

Legendeer Tribe - Value £297 per month

24/7 Online Access TO Active Participants

Tap into the collective wisdom and experience of your Legendeer Tribe who not only have your back, these are high frequency beings you can collaborate with and co-create game changer opportunities. Never feel alone on your quest for legendary success. Available online in your member area.

'Legend X It' LIVE Mastermind Membership Includes...

Legends Live - Value £797 per month

1.5 Hour LIVE Mastermind & Recording

Attend a Legends Live Mastermind to address a burning / highly relevant entrepreneurial challenge and learn how to ‘Legend X It’ … i.e. apply disruptive, evolved thinking strategies to create smart solutions with tangible results. In addition, be exposed to leading minds / living legends through fascinating interviews plus enjoy the opportunity to interact, share views and ask questions.

Collaborative Community - Value £197 per month

24/7 Online Access TO Active Participants ONLY Via Member Area

Join the discussions, share in the collective wisdom and experience of your exclusive community of conscious entrepreneurs who always have your back. Never feel alone on your quest for legendary success & benefit from the resourcefulness of high frequency beings where the opportunities to collaborate & co-create are endless.    

Sign Up Today & Get Free VIP Access To LIVE Event

What's Your X? The Money's In Your Magnetism!

Value £3,997

8 Hour LIVE Masterclass Delivered Over 1 Week & Recording

Sign up today and you’ll get free, VIP access to attend this powerful once off 8 hour masterclass (run over a week).

You’ll discover the secret to building the foundation to set your business up for legendary success. 

It will empower you to crystallise your differentiation in the world of business, create laser beam focus, give you a sharp edge to become a top 1% player and amplify your income. 

You’ll leave feeling more energised and confident about your business than ever before with a whole new level of conviction that will make you and your business truly magnetic.

The date for this ‘not to be missed’ masterclass will be communicated to you via your member area. 

You Get To Test-Drive Your Membership RISK FREE For 30 Days

30 Day Risk Free Guarantee

When you sign up for the ‘Legendary Success Journey’, you get to test-drive your membership RISK FREE for 30 days, and if for some strange reason you’re not fully head-over-heels in love with your newfound wisdom and success, simply write us an email and we’ll give you a prompt and courteous refund. No questions asked.

But we know you’ll never ask for a refund because these powerful insights and tools will skyrocket the success of your conscious coaching / consulting practice and you’ll always want to be part of our special inner circle who get access to lost secrets EVERY MONTH, and who have each other’s backs on this epic adventure to legendary success.

Legacy Effect... Spreading Acts of Greatness

As You Rise, Lift Others With You

Just by joining this program you're having a profound impact!

As part of your journey with Legend X, you’re not only committing to your own growth and success but also making a profound impact. Every month, your membership helps create a brighter future for an orphaned child in Bali.

By joining our program, you embody the principle of ‘success on all levels,’ extending your impact beyond personal and professional realms to an altruistic and deeply meaningful space. It’s a powerful way to pay it forward, ensuring that as you rise, you lift others with you.

Imagine the transformative effect your participation has—a child sleeps peacefully, studies joyfully, and lives comfortably, all because you chose to embark on your path to success with us. 

Each child supported represents a world of potential unleashed, all because you chose to embark on your Quest To Legendary Success with us.

Every month you’ll get immense value others have paid thousands of dollars to receive!

Many of our clients have paid over £6,500 per month to receive the powerful insider secrets included in your monthly membership, AND the value of these insights stacked-up over time on your Journey to Legendary Success has been described by clients as PRICELESS.

The Standard Investment for an Exclusive,
Transformational, Business Master Program of this Calibre Is:

£997 per month

But TODAY, We Have A VERY Special Offer for You!


Get a CRAZY 80% Discount on
the Standard Investment of £997 per month

The Total Annual Program Value is £50,581...
Secure Your Seat On This Extraordinary Journey As A VIP Legendeer For ONLY

per month

Secure your seat as a VIP Legendeer at the
Launch offer of only £197 per month

Get a lifetime of returns for just £6.50 a day! 

Everything You Get
When you Sign Up Today


Total Annual Program Value of £50,581 Per Year Includes...

1. Evolved Business Master Program - Valued at £17,928 per year

LIVE Sessions - Lost Secrets of Legendary Success - Top 1% Insights Valued at £997 Monthly

“The Lost Secrets of Legendary Success” Monthly Chapter meticulously curated to catalyse your growth and success. 2 Hour Live Mentoring Session + Recording.

Accelerator Xercises & X Tools Valued at £497 Monthly

Potent, practical exercises and tools accompanying monthly chapters, to turn wisdom into action and achieve rapid results in accelerated time. Made available in your member area.

2. Legendary Circle - Valued at £15,528 per year

LIVE Game Changer Sessions Valued at £997 Monthly

2 Hour LIVE Implementation & Interactive Mentoring and Q&A Session with Carmen & Gary to move the needle every month + Recording.

Exclusive Access To Legendeer Tribe Valued at £297 Monthly

Never feel alone on your quest for legendary success with exclusive access to a community of conscious entrepreneurs who have your back.

3. Free Bonus! 'Legend X It' Mastermind Membership Valued at £11,928 per year

Legends LIVE Masterminds Valued at £797 Monthly

Interactive 1.5 Hour LIVE Mastermind to address burning entrepreneurial challenges & engage with leading minds through fascinating interviews + Recording.

Exclusive Access to Collaborative Conscious Community Valued at £197 Monthly

Tap into a conscious community who challenge the status quo, gain access to creative solutions and revolutionary ideas to amplify your business growth and income.

4. Fast Action Bonus! SIGN UP WITHIN 24 HOURS & Get Free VIP Access

LIVE VIP Access: What's Your X? The Money's In Your Magnetism - Masterclass Valued at £3,997

Get Free access to powerful 8-Hour LIVE Online Masterclass When You Sign Up Today + Recording.

5. Risk Free Guarantee

30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Subscribe today with total peace of mind.

6. Legacy Effect - Live Your Legacy

As you RISE... Lift Others With You

Every month, your membership helps create a brighter future for an orphaned child in Bali...this is the Legacy Effect where as you rise you lift others with you and you get to live your legacy by choosing to be part of this membership.

The Total Annual Value of This Evolved Business Master Program Is

£50,581 per year

Secure Your Seat for ONLY

per month

*Launch Offer Closes 30 September 2024 – Terms: £197 upfront to secure your seat for 1 Oct kick off then £197 monthly 


This Exclusive Launch Offer WILL be taken down 30 September 2024 and will NEVER BE REPEATED!

Claim Your Place in this Legendary Circle of Conscious Coaches and Consultants Today & Get Ready For The Most Exciting Adventure As A 'Legendeer' Kicking Off 1 October 2024!

*Offer Closes 31 August 2024 Subject to Terms & Conditions

Dear Conscious Entrepreneur,

Joining today as a VIP Legendeer isn’t just about signing up for a program, it’s about embarking on a legendary journey with a community that values your input and commitment. By taking this pioneering step, you’re not only gaining access to priceless value in our launch offer, but also becoming an integral part of shaping this unique experience. We’re wholeheartedly devoted to supporting you in achieving your most daring dreams, and as a member of this auspicious group, your voice will shape the evolution of this membership program. We encourage you to share your feedback, offer suggestions for improvement, and celebrate your successes and challenges with us. Together, we’re creating something extraordinary – the only program of its kind in the world. Joining us today means you become part of a legendary circle where we have each other’s backs as friends, allies and witnesses on this extraordinary Journey to Legendary Success.

Love Gary & Carmen 

Legendary Membership for Conscious Coaches & Consultants - hh
Legendary Membership for Conscious Coaches & Consultants - hh

Dare To Be Legendary... Sign Up Today

*Launch Offer Closes 30 September 2024 – Terms: £197 upfront to secure your seat for 1 Oct kick off then £197 monthly 

Let’s Turn Your Most Daring Dream Into A
Legendary Success Story

Join Us Today

YES!, I want to discover how to rise to the Top 1% in my Field worldwide, and turn my most Daring Dream into a Legendary Success Story.

YES!, I want to get exclusive access to the ‘Lost Secrets of Legendary Success’, passed down from sages through the centuries, plus all the powerful bonuses in this never-to-be-repeated launch offer, giving me a massive edge to achieve breakthroughs every month.

I know you’ve transformed the lives and businesses of many CEOs over the last few decades by sharing these lost secrets with them, and I’m proud to be a fast mover and seize this incredible opportunity right now, to be a VIP Member of ‘Legendary Success Journey’ before all spots are taken and this generous launch offer is taken down.

It’s exciting to know that as a VIP Legendeer of this conscious inner-circle, every month I’ll get access to more Lost Secrets of Legendary Success – Top 1% Insights & accompanying Accelerator X Tools & Xercises and get access to the exclusive Legendary Circle with events and collaborative opportunities, as well as the VIP Bonus giving me free access to the ‘Legend X-It’ Mastermind Membership valued at £11,928 per year!

Knowing I have a 30-Day Risk Free Guarantee gives me total peace of mind and confidence to sign up today. PLUS, by joining TODAY I will unlock a powerful Fast-Action Bonus: VIP access to the extraordinary LIVE Online Masterclass “What’s Your X? The Money’s In Your Magnetism!” valued at $3,997.

I’m aware that doors for this crazy launch offer including fast action bonus close 30 September 2024 and the kick off event is 1 October 2024! As a go getter, highly committed, conscious entrepreneur I’m excited to secure my seat as a VIP by signing up today on this World-first Journey to Legendary Success valued at £50,581 per year for an investment of only £197 per month! A lifetime of returns for just £6.50 per day! 

*Launch Offer Closes 30 September 2024 – Terms: £197 upfront to secure your seat for 1 Oct kick off then £197 monthly 

Legendary Membership for Conscious Coaches & Consultants - LX rendered icon 4500x4500 1

It's Our Honour To Help YOU Unlock The Gateways To Leading A Legendary Business, Loving Your Life & Living Your Legacy!

Frequently Asked Questions

*Launch Offer Closes 30 Sep 2024 – Subject to Terms & Conditions
Program events kick off 1 October 2024

What is the Legendary Success Journey?

The LSJ is an Evolved Business Master Program & Exclusive Legendary Circle, where in just 1 Year You’ll Discover How To Rise to The Top 1% In Your Field & Turn Your Most Daring Business Dream into a Legendary Success Story While Loving your Life & Living your Legacy, All Without Selling Your Soul!

Think of the Legendary Success Journey as your personal mentorship membership, equipping you with what you need to achieve success on all levels on your journey, not at all costs.

Imagine securing a treasure chest of wisdom, tools, and insights that propels you into the top 1% of your field worldwide.

This is no ordinary program; it’s a golden ticket to legendary success designed exclusively for conscious entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants ready to make their mark and realise their most daring dream. 

You’re not only gaining access to powerful transformative secrets that have accelerated our clients’ success for decades, you’re also claiming your rightful place in a constantly evolving Legendary Circle of conscious entrepreneurs who all have each other’s back. 

Being part of the Legendary Success Journey means you’re at the genesis of a fascinating growth adventure that is uniquely powerful and truly special, and we look forward to welcoming you into our community of “LegendeersTM”, where together, we’ll unlock the doors to your legendary success.

Who is the Legendary Success Journey for?

The LSJ is for Conscious Entrepreneurs, Coaches, and Consultants who are frustrated with the status quo in their business and life. They’re fuelled by a burning desire to rise to the Top 1% in their Field or Industry… and have an unstoppable drive to elevate their businesses to the highest level, expand their reach, magnify profitability, while adding even more value to the lives of those they serve, and to do this in accelerated time, while loving their life. 

These are conscious, integris, and highly principled business owners who are passionate about being “on purpose” and running a business that is fulfilling, aligned with their calling, and makes a real difference to those they serve. They drive high standards and want to be the best at what they do, while living a life of abundance on all levels. They are true seekers of wisdom, with a hunger to constantly learn and grow. They stand by and defend their values and take a strong stance against practices that enrich self at the expense of others. They long to be part of a tribe of conscious entrepreneurs who share their dream of building a great business by doing great work and leaving an imprint on the world that is lasting, making it a better place for all.  

Why is this program specifically for Conscious Coaches and Consultants?

We know building a top-tier coaching or consulting practice is no small feat. It’s a journey that can span decades, filled with many trials and tough experiences, learning things the hard way. But with the right guidance, the journey to achieving such a remarkable milestone can be dramatically shortened. Everything we share in the ‘Legendary Success Journey’ was battle-tested in our own coaching and consulting practice “Wilde Success”, or during our tenure as executives in the corporate arena before that. This isn’t textbook theory, or a patchwork of ‘nice ideas’ thrown together… it’s real-world wisdom that works!

Originally, our dream with Legend X was to elevate Founder CEOs to legendary status at scale, transforming from a one-to-one, to one-to-many business model, by leveraging the power of an online platform to positively impact a larger audience. But a pivotal conversation with our mentor shifted our perspective. He illuminated a powerful truth: By empowering conscious coaches and consultants with these lost secrets, the ripple effect of transformative impact could be magnified exponentially. Coaches and consultants are on the front lines, making daily impacts in many people’s lives, that stack up to monumental change on a global scale. He also pointed out that no-one is more qualified and experienced to mentor coaches and consultants on this uniquely powerful journey, than we are. We had guarded these lost secrets carefully for decades, sharing them only with conscious CEOs who paid top Dollar for this wisdom because of the incredible results it helped them achieve and sustain. Yes, we were having a massively positive impact on thousands of lives in this way, but our mentor showed us a better way by holding up the mirror and helping us see this blind spot. A truly humbling and beautiful moment for us.

Coaches and consultants are the architects of tomorrow. The work you do doesn’t just change lives; it has the power to rewrite the narrative of business, humanity, and the planet. You understand that true success is about more than personal gain—it’s about elevating everyone, creating a legacy of greatness.

So, why is Legend X’s “Legendary Success Journey” for you? Because here, you’re not just learning how to rise to the top 1% in your field, you’re joining a mission to spark enduring acts of greatness, shaping a future we can all be proud of. This is about amplifying your impact, accelerating your journey to legendary success, and doing it in a way that’s true to your soul.

Welcome to the path of conscious evolution, where together, we’re not just dreaming of a better world—we’re creating it!

Why is this program offered as a subscription instead of a one off downloadable course?

Ever felt like your brain just decided to check out when you’re hit with a ton of information at once? Yeah, we’ve been there too. It’s like trying to drink from a fire hose… overwhelming and not exactly effective. That’s exactly why we chose the membership route for the Legendary Success Journey.

Here’s the deal: we’re not just about throwing a mountain of content at you and hoping for the best. We’re about real, tangible progress… real, measurable, and sustainable results. Think of us as your guides on this adventure, delivering exactly what you need, right when you need it. It’s about making what once seemed impossible, totally doable.

Consider this: If you mastered just one game-changing insight that revolutionised your business or dramatically improved your quality of life, wouldn’t this be infinitely better than owning a massive encyclopedia of great ideas you’ll never get through, never mind use. The path to becoming a living legend is all about really grasping these powerful insights, one at a time, until they become second nature to you. This way, you’re not just learning; you’re evolving, growing, and speeding ahead faster than you thought possible. And that’s the beauty of this membership… your journey to legendary success actually speeds up when you focus on one impactful step at a time, seeing real growth and getting real results, month by month.

So, why a membership? Because true growth is like planting and nurturing a garden designed to attract butterflies all year round, rather than a single field-trip running around with a huge net and catching plenty of butterflies that will be dead in a few days.

In the context of this metaphor, our job is to set you up to attract butterflies all year round, year after year. 

What sets the 'Lost Secrets of Legendary Success' apart from other business success teachings?

The best business success programs in the world address problems at their root cause. We do too, but we delve even deeper. We tackle the ROOT of the root cause, and address the inversions and paradoxes that keep so many talented entrepreneurs trapped. We call this trap the “Cage of Constraint”, which results in circling patterns of struggle, or settling for mediocrity, and eventually many entrepreneurs even giving up on their most daring dreams.  

The Lost Secrets of Legendary Success are an evolved architecture of thinking, delivered as a journey of discovery, which is distilled into 6 gateways, each with unique locks and keys designed to propel you into the top 1% in your Field. But it’s more than just climbing to the top, it’s about achieving success on every level, both personal and professional.

Our approach unveils truths so profound you can’t ‘unsee’ them… they’ll forever change how you look at and tackle challenges, obstacles, and opportunities, making “impossible” achievements suddenly within your grasp.

Rooted in ancient wisdom and the sharpest modern day insights, the Lost Secrets are applied to today’s real-world challenges, offering not just quick fixes but lasting transformations. With each secret revealed, you’ll find yourself equipped with powerful, practical tools for profound shifts in both life and business. This isn’t about temporary wins; it’s about engraving lasting success into the very fabric of your being and your business.

What kind of results can I expect from this membership?

Oh, where do we start? By weaving these insights into our own lives and businesses, the transformations have been nothing short of spectacular. Two of countless examples: We 20x’d our earnings in just a few months. And transitioned from a great lifestyle to the dream lifestyle we envisioned, in just 7 months.


Our clients have seen pretty incredible results… Imagine going from a startup to a thriving practice in just one year, or bouncing back from major setbacks to become a global thought leader. We’ve seen clients smash their targets, become leaders in their territories, scoop industry awards, set new benchmarks, and yes, even become millionaires within a year.


But here’s the thing: result are unique to everyone. While these stories are real and truly inspiring, everyone’s journey is unique. Your results will depend on your own goals, challenges, and circumstances. We’ve designed this program to be super accessible – making it easy to understand, integrate, and apply what you learn. All you need? A total commitment to your success, and the decision to enjoy the journey to becoming legendary.


Please note: Results mentioned are not guaranteed. Individual success depends on personal actions, commitment, and consistency in applying the powerful insights and tools you’ll be getting every month.

What will I get as a VIP Member when I sign up today?

After successful sign up, you will receive a welcome email with login details to access your member area on the Legend X Academy.

In your member area you will have immediate access to an introductory segment which will provide next steps.

You will be added to all monthly LIVE events as per your offer, which includes:

  • Monthly Chapter of ‘The Lost Secrets of Legendary Success”’ – LIVE Top 1% Insights
  • LIVE Game Changer Session
  • Legends LIVE Session

Over and above the monthly events you will receive an invite to attend:

  • The Legendary Success Journey – Online Kick-off Event
  • The LIVE Bonus Masterclass if you sign up TODAY

You will also get exclusive access to two online communities:

  • Legendary Circle
  • Legend X It Community

You will be notified via email of all events and everything you need to know about your membership will be available to you in your member area.

Every aspect of the membership has been meticulously designed to support you in experiencing the most exciting adventure and setting you up to achieve Legendary Success. All you have to do is sign up and then participate wholeheartedly in all the events and activities.

Why are you offering this world-first transformative membership at such a huge discount?

You might wonder why we’re extending such an incredible offer, especially when these insights have been the catalyst for miraculous transformations among CEOs and their teams for over two decades. Let’s set the record straight: while this is our first time offering these proven strategies in a digital format specifically for coaches and consultants, the content is far from new. It’s been meticulously refined and proven in the field, delivering extraordinary results that have until now been our closely guarded secret and one of our competitive advantages in the global market. In fact, the lost secrets we’ve shared with our CEO clients have proven so effective, we’ve never spent a cent on marketing in 20 years, because all our clients have come to us through word-of-mouth referrals.

So, our decision to ‘open the vault’ of Lost Secrets wasn’t made lightly. We’ve witnessed the power of these insights to not just transform businesses in miraculous ways, but to revolutionise people’s lives on so many levels… and the impact is too significant to keep to ourselves any longer. This launch and the incredible offer we’re extending to you marks a very significant milestone on our journey in this lifetime, which we want to celebrate with you, where we get to ‘give back’ on a whole new level by giving you access to elite-level mentoring that’s been the backbone of countless success stories.

So, why the discount? It’s simple. We’re passionate about having an even greater impact worldwide. We want this life-changing content to be accessible to those ready to achieve success on all levels and make their mark on the world. Offering it at £197 per month doesn’t diminish its value, it magnifies our commitment to your success. Consider it our investment in you and the ripple effect of greatness you’re going to create. Your success matters to us more than most could imagine possible in a world where self-interest, greed, and the lust for power is so prevalent. But you’ll get to understand more about the magic and beauty of our vision and intentions on the journey.

This launch offer is our way of putting these powerful tools into the hands of those who can use them to foster a legacy of greatness. And yes, we’re backing it up with a 30 day money-back guarantee, not because we doubt the value, but because we’re confident you’ll find the investment to be one of the best decisions of your professional life. This is a unique, serendipitous gift, and we want you to feel as proud to be part of it as we are to offer it.

We look forward to welcoming you on this epic journey of a lifetime that’s been decades in the making and lovingly crafted to give you what you need to achieve success on all levels, not at all costs. It truly is a once-in-a-lifetime offer, and we can’t wait for you to join us and see for yourself the incredible value it holds for you.

Can I cancel my membership at any time?

Absolutely, we get it… life’s full of changes and unexpected surprises. While we’re pretty confident you’ll find immense value in our Legendary Success Journey, and the thought of leaving will be far from your mind, we fully respect your freedom to make the best decisions for your path. Should you find yourself needing to step away, we’ll honour your decision with grace and wish you nothing but success on your journey forward.

So, Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. Cancellation will take effect at the end of your current billing cycle, allowing you to continue accessing all the membership benefits and resources until then. And should the winds of change bring you back to us, rejoining our circle is as simple as subscribing afresh at the going rate at the time, though it’s important to note that special offers or bonuses given during this launch offer will no longer apply.

For detailed information on how to cancel and any applicable terms, please refer to our Terms & Conditions and Cancellation & Refund Policy.

We’re here to support you, every step of the way… even if that means saying goodbye sometime in the future.

Can I get a refund?

We stand proudly behind the value and transformation the Legendary Success Journey offers you! And that’s why we introduced a 30-Day Risk-Free Guarantee for our launch offer, because we want you to dive into the Legendary Success Journey with absolute peace of mind. We’re confident you’ll find the journey enriching and invaluable.


However, if there’s a reason you’re not completely thrilled within those first 30 days, just reach out to us before the 30 day period expires. We promise a smooth, respectful refund process and will promptly remove your VIP Membership, no hard feelings.


We’re all about fair exchange, valuing your investment as much as we value the treasure trove of insights we’re eager to share. Our policies are designed to be as fair and transparent as possible, reflecting the mutual respect and integrity we hold dear.


Please note, while we strive to offer flexibility, our guarantee applies specifically to this launch offer. Live events, downloadable masterclasses, personalised assessments, or any premium content sold separately are crafted with individual care and therefore are not covered under this launch offer guarantee. Any guarantees that may apply to premium content will be highlighted on their respective sales pages.


For more detail about refunds, including any terms that might apply, take a moment to review our Terms & Conditions and Cancellation & Refund Policy. Rest assured, stepping into this journey is meant to be a transformative experience, grounded in trust and fairness… from both sides.


We’re here to support your growth, not just for the short term, but as an enduring investment in your success.

What happens if I can't attend a live session?

No worries at all… we’ve got your back! We understand that life can be unpredictable, and schedules may not always align. That’s why every live session or event included in your VIP Membership is recorded and made available in the VIP Member Area. Missed a session? You can catch up with the recording at your leisure, ensuring you never miss out on valuable insights shared.


To enhance your learning experience, we may also provide transcripts, session summaries, key takeaways, and any relevant tools or resources alongside the recordings. This way, you can quickly review the highlights or dive deeper into the material.


We’re dedicated to making your Legendary Success Journey as flexible and enriching as possible. Remember, your growth on this journey is our priority, and we’re here to support members every step of the way.

What's do I stand to lose if I don't sign up for this launch offer today?

What you stand to LOSE by not signing up today:

  • The monthly value of this membership is £4,215, making the launch offer subscription fee of £197 per month a steal. This launch offer will never be repeated, so don’t lose the opportunity to be part of this extraordinary program at a fraction of the standard investment. Sign up before 31 August 2024 and secure your place for only £6.50 a day.
  • You’ll deny yourself the opportunity of clocking up significant achievements in 2024, and kick starting 2025 armed with lost secrets that will accelerate the achievement of not only your 2025 goals but every year beyond 2025
  • You’ll forgo the free bonus: Exclusive access to the Legend X It Mastermind sessions alone is valued at 5x your monthly subscription fee and the radical solutions you’ll get access to… priceless
  • You’ll forgo the free bonus: VIP access to the Live masterclass: What’s Your X? This masterclass in itself will set you apart and give you a Top 1% edge right out the gates
  • Just 1 right contact in the Legendary Circle or Legend X It community could land you a major deal or open a door that leads to extraordinary results…you lose countless opportunities by not taking up your place in a legendary community who’ve got your back
  • You lose the chance to stop:
    • The relentless & exhausting struggle
    • Not being rewarded abundantly and creating wealth
    • Being unfulfilled
    • Not loving life
    • Not being the best at what you do, doing what you love to do
    • Not being able to have a greater impact
    • Not achieving your most daring dream
    • The high costs of not knowing the secret to success on all levels
    • Feeling invisible when you’re capable of being a Living Legend!
  • At just £197 per month or £6.50 per day you can open the gateways to your Legendary Success…will you give yourself the opportunity to LOSE the struggle and GAIN access to an extraordinary adventure & a lifetime of returns? 
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